Harvard manual on air and missile warfare
The HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare provides the most up-to-date restatement of existing international law applicable to Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins. This Manual provides the most up-to-date restatement of exist- ing international law applicable to air and missile warfare, as elaborated by an international Group of Experts. As an authoritative restatement, the HPCR Manual contributes to the practical understanding of this important international legal framework. · This Manual provides an up-to-date restatement of existing international law applicable to the conduct of air and missile warfare. About the Author The Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research (HPCR) at Harvard University is a research and policy center focusing on international humanitarian law and the protection of civilians in. Air and .
The HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare (the HPCR Manual) was formulated by a multi-year project that was set up to restate the existing international laws applicable to air and missile warfare. The project was created in by the Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research at Harvard University. This Manual provides the most up-to-date restatement of exist- ing international law applicable to air and missile warfare, as elaborated by an international Group of Experts. As an authoritative restatement, the HPCR Manual contributes to the practical understanding of this important international legal framework. HPCR Manual On International Law Applicable To Air And Missile Warfare|Program On Humanitarian Policy And Conflict Research At Harvard University, Songs Of Silence: Collection Of Poems And Images|Chidi A. Okoye, Consider The Source: Documents In Latin American History|Julie A. Charlip, How To Read Better And Faster|Norman Lewis.
May The HPCR Manual is the result of a six-year long endeavor led by the Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research at Harvard University. Law Applicable to Armed Conflict at Sea, the Harvard Manual on International Law. Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare, and the Tallinn Manual on. PROGRAM ON HUMANITARIAN POLICY AND CONFLICT RESEARCH AT HARVARD UNIV.,. HPCR MANUAL ON INTERNATIONAL LAW APPLICABLE TO AIR AND MISSILE WARFARE.